Empower Your Cause Today

At Zakatuna, we believe in the power of community to change the world. Our platform offers charities like yours the tools and support needed to raise funds effectively, connect with supporters worldwide, and make a lasting impact. Whether you're tackling local challenges or fighting global issues, we're here to help you succeed.

Why Choose Zakatuna?

  • Reach and Visibility: Gain access to a global network of donors ready to support your cause. Our platform ensures your campaigns get the visibility they deserve.
  • Easy and Efficient:  From setting up your campaign to withdrawing funds, our streamlined process is designed to make fundraising as easy and efficient as possible.
  • Tools for Success: Leverage our suite of fundraising tools, including customizable campaign pages, social media sharing capabilities, and real-time analytics to track your progress.
  • Dedicated Support:  Our team is committed to your success. Get access to fundraising guides, best practices, and our dedicated support team to assist you every step of the way.

How to Get Started

1. Register Your Charity: Sign up and create your charity profile. Ensure you have all necessary documentation handy, including proof of your charitable status.

2. Create Your Campaign:  Tell your story with compelling narratives and visuals. Set your fundraising goal, and customize your campaign page to reflect your mission and vision.

3. Spread the Word: Engage with your community to build momentum.

4. Track and Optimize: Monitor your campaign's performance with our analytics tools. Gain insights into donor behavior and adjust your strategy to maximize your fundraising potential.

5. Setup your own Payment Provider:  All payments will be made directly to your own payment gateway. Zakatuna does not hold any funds